Absrtact: Litchi is not only delicious, but also of high edible, medicinal and economic value. However, because the storage time of fresh litchi is very short, it is easy to deteriorate, and the storage conditions are also very high. If lychee is dehydrated and dried into dried litchi stem, not only the flavor and nutrients of fresh litchi can be maintained, but also the storage time of litchi can be prolonged to a great extent, and the added value of litchi can be increased. By summarizing the advanced drying technologies of litchi (heat pump drying, microwave drying equipment, vacuum freeze drying, hot air-heat pump combined drying), the application prospect of these advanced drying technologies was prospected.

Key words: litchi microwave drying; combined drying
Litchi, originating in southern China, is an evergreen tree of Sarcandinaceae. At present, litchi is planted all over the world. The planting range of Litchi in China is mainly concentrated in Guangdong and Fujian. Fresh litchi fruit is not only sweet and delicious, but also rich in a large number of nutrients needed by the human body. It can be used as a nutrient to meet people’s needs.