Absrtact: In order to shorten the drying time of pollen and ensure the drying quality, vacuum pulsation drying technology was applied to drying fresh lotus pollen.
The effects of vacuum holding time (15, 12, 9, 6 and 3 min), drying temperature (45, 50, 55, 60 and 65 C) on drying kinetics, water effective diffusion coefficient and drying activation energy were studied, and Weibull distribution function was used to simulate the drying process. In addition, the effects of vacuum holding time and drying temperature on protein content and microstructures of pollen were studied, and the color difference of pollen before and after drying was analyzed.

Key words: pollen microwave drying; kinetics; quality control; vacuum pulsating drying; microstructure
Pollen is rich in nutrients, such as proteins, lipids, flavonoids, vitamins and polysaccharides and other bioactive substances. It plays an important role in human nutrition and health. It is a veritable “micro nutrient bank”.