Abstract: The temperature and quality changes of Soybean samples during microwave drying were measured in real time by using
test system. The variations of physical properties such as density, thermal conductivity, specific heat and thermal diffusivity of samples with different moisture content during drying were analyzed.

From the point of view of porous media, the variations of pore properties such as porosity, fractal dimension, pore diameter and specific surface area in different drying nodes (100%, 85%, 70%, 55%, 40%) were studied. Law. By changing the microwave heating power, the influence of microwave power on the heat and mass transfer of samples is analyzed. The results showed that during the microwave drying process, a dense membrane was formed in the cortex cells of soybean, which hindered the water migration. When the moisture content was reduced to 30%, the coke appeared inside the sample, and then the cells in the center collapsed completely. But the density of the whole drying process is not large, and the reduction is about 5 kg /m3