Taking microwave power A, load B and microwave time C as independent variables, water loss rate Y 1, unit power consumption Y 2 and sensory evaluation Y 3 as response values, the response surface analysis scheme was designed by using Design Expert 7.0.1 software, and regression analysis was carried out with Box-Benhnken model.
Influence of various factors on water loss rate
The results showed that the total determinant R2 of the model was 0.9963, indicating that 99.63% of the variation of water loss rate could be explained by the regression model, and the model could be used to estimate the value of water loss rate; the F value was 206.87 (P It has practical application significance. The interaction terms of microwave power, microwave time and loading amount, microwave power and loading amount, microwave power and microwave time all have significant effects on the rate of water loss in microwave drying, but the interaction terms of loading amount and microwave time are not significant. From the F value, we can see that the degree of influence of each factor is in sequence of load, microwave power and microwave time.

The results showed that the total determinant R2 of the model was 0.9963, indicating that 99.63% of the variation of water loss rate could be explained by the regression model, and the model could be used to estimate the value of water loss rate; the F value was 206.87 (P It has practical application significance. The interaction terms of microwave power, microwave time and loading amount, microwave power and loading amount, microwave power and microwave time all have significant effects on the rate of water loss in microwave drying, but the interaction terms of loading amount and microwave time are not significant. From the F value, we can see that the degree of influence of each factor is in sequence of load, microwave power and microwave time.