In order to explore the best drying technology and the law of moisture change in Hawthorn dried products, hawthorn was dried by hot air, microwave and combined drying. The optimum drying conditions of Hawthorn were obtained by range analysis of orthogonal experiment. The drying model of 16 kinds of fruits and vegetables was used to fit the experimental data, and the dynamic model suitable for hawthorn joint drying was determined.

The results show that the combined drying of hot air and microwave has the advantages of hot air and microwave drying equipment. The optimum conditions of combined drying are as follows: hot air temperature 75 C, water content at conversion point 50%, microwave power density 2.7 W/g. The process of hot air and microwave drying equipment of Hawthorn combined drying can be described by Approximation of diffuse model and Hii and Other model respectively. The results of this study can provide theoretical basis and technical guidance for further processing and industrial application of hawthorn.