
Study on Microwave Drying Characteristics and Drying Quality of Lotus Seeds

Absrtact: In order to explore the microwave drying equipment and drying quality of lotus seeds based on temperature control, and to study the effects of different microwave power and material surface temperature range on the microwave drying characteristics of lotus seeds, the microwave temperature control drying experiment was carried out on Lotus seeds, and the quality of microwave drying lotus seeds and hot air drying lotus seeds based on temperature control was analyzed.
The results show that the surface temperature of materials has a great influence on lotus seed drying. The larger the surface temperature range of materials, the faster the drying rate and the shorter the drying time of lotus seeds. The microwave drying power has little influence on lotus seed drying. Seven common thin-layer drying models were used to fit the temperature-controlled microwave drying process. The results show that Midilli model is the most suitable thin-layer drying model for describing the moisture change rule of lotus seeds during microwave temperature-controlled drying process.

