Absrtact: The effects of four drying methods on the quality of Toona sinensis sprouts were studied by sensory evaluation and determination of main nutrient contents, including hot drying, microwave drying equipment, vacuum drying and vacuum freeze drying.

The results showed that vacuum freeze-drying could maintain the main nutritional components of Toona sinensis seedlings and sprouts to the greatest extent. After drying, the chlorophyll content in Toona sinensis sprouts reached 14.0081 mg g-1, the vitamin C content reached 2.6203 mg g-1, the amino acid nitrogen content reached 24.3340 mg g-1 and the protein content reached 24.3340 mg g-1. It reached 79.0076 ug, which was higher than other drying methods, and the sensory quality of dried Toona sinensis sprouts was better. The comprehensive effect of vacuum drying was slightly worse than that of vacuum freeze drying. Microwave drying consumed more vitamin C, and the comprehensive effect of microwave drying was worse than that of hot drying.