Absrtact: Using fresh Cranberry as raw material, the flavonoid content of cranberry samples was determined under different drying methods by hot air drying at 65 C, microwave drying equipment and vacuum freeze drying respectively, and compared with fresh cranberry. Then, three antioxidant systems, DPPH, hydroxyl radical and iron ion antioxidant reduction ability, were established. The antioxidant activities of three different drying methods of cranberry were compared.

The results showed that the content of flavonoids in cranberry dried by hot air at 65 C was lower than that of the other two drying methods. The mass concentration of flavonoids in cranberry dried by hot air was 95.36 mg/mL, followed by vacuum freeze-drying and 85.43 mg/mL. The lowest concentration of flavonoids was 70.26 mg/mL after microwave drying, and the three antioxidant activity indexes were higher after hot air drying. The hot air drying method has become the best way to process cranberries in order to maintain the health effects of cranberries.