Absrtact: Five different drying methods of lotus seeds were studied, including microwave drying equipment, vacuum microwave drying, vacuum freeze drying, hot air-vacuum microwave drying and hot air-air extrusion drying, and their effects on the physical properties, main nutrients and microstructure of lotus seeds drying products were studied.

The results showed that the order of total color difference was vacuum freeze drying > Hot air-air extrusion drying > hot air drying > vacuum microwave drying > Hot air-vacuum microwave drying; the order of hardness was hot air drying > vacuum microwave drying > Hot air-vacuum microwave drying > Hot air-air extrusion drying > vacuum freeze drying, and the order of brittleness was vacuum freeze drying < vacuum microwave drying. Drying < hot air drying < hot air-vacuum microwave drying < hot air-air expanding drying < hot air-air expanding drying; the order of specific volume is vacuum freeze drying > Hot air-air expanding drying > Hot air-vacuum microwave drying > vacuum microwave drying > hot air drying.