Absrtact: In order to determine the best drying method of recreational okra crisp strips, the effects of microwave drying equipment, hot air drying, vacuum freeze drying, vacuum microwave drying, vacuum freeze combined with vacuum microwave drying and hot air combined with vacuum microwave drying on hardness, brittleness, color, shrinkage, drying time, energy consumption and total flavonoids, total phenols and polysaccharides of okra crisp strips were studied and compared. The effect of content.
Key words: Okra microwave drying, drying method, quality, energy consumption rate

Okra, also known as carambola and Kidney-tonifying herb, belongs to the annual herb of okra family, originated in Africa, and is now widely cultivated in Asia, southern Europe and the Americas. The tender fruit of okra is rich in protein, free amino acid, VC, VA, VE, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese and other mineral elements, especially flavonoids, polyphenols and polysaccharides. Flavonoids and polyphenols have the biological activities of scavenging free radicals, delaying aging, cancer prevention and radiation resistance. Polysaccharides can promote the excretion of organic substances and reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body.