ABSTRACT: Compared with traditional drying methods of traditional Chinese medicine, microwave technology not only has the characteristics of simple operation, fast, good effect, good appearance and low energy consumption, but also has excellent sterilization effect while drying. In this paper, the characteristics and influencing factors of microwave drying equipment and sterilization technology are briefly described. The application of microwave drying technology in the field of traditional Chinese medicine is summarized. The existing problems and prospects of current research on safety (microwave radiation and microwave residues) are put forward.

Key words: microwave drying of traditional Chinese medicine; microwave sterilization; traditional Chinese medicine; microwave radiation; review
Insect borer and mildew are important factors affecting the quality of traditional Chinese medicine, which are caused by high humidity of materials and inappropriate environmental temperature. Therefore, drying and sterilization are an important part of the processing of traditional Chinese medicine. The common drying methods are sun-drying, air-drying/shade-drying, hot-air drying, freeze-drying and so on. In practical work, appropriate drying methods should be selected according to the specific conditions and the nature of traditional Chinese medicine.