Abstract: The edible and nutritional quality of fresh dried jujubes by microwave drying equipment, microwave vacuum expansion, vacuum freeze drying and medium-short wave infrared drying were analyzed to determine the effect of drying methods on the nutritional characteristics of fresh jujube.

The results showed that the dry processing significantly increased the total sugar and reducing sugar content of fresh jujube (P<0.05). In addition to the short-wave infrared drying, the total acid content after drying was significantly reduced (P<0.05), and the product browning was low. The ratio of sugar to acid was obviously improved; the retention rate of VC by microwave vacuum freeze-drying was as high as 98.62%; the total phenolic content was significantly increased after microwave vacuum expansion and microwave vacuum freeze-drying (P<0.05), which was 4 721.30 mg/100 g (dry The mass spectrometer, the same as below) and 4 516.25 mg/100 g; the flavonoid content increased to 80.51 mg/100 g after vacuum freeze-drying.