Abstract: As fermented foods become more popular among consumer groups, fermented food processing technologies are rapidly evolving and many new technologies are applied. Based on this, the main types and principles of wave technology are introduced, and the application of wave technology in fermented food processing technology is analyzed.

Key words: microwave drying equipment; fermented food; processing technology; application
Microwave refers to an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength of 1mm~1m and a frequency of 300MHz300GHz. Generally, microwaves can be divided into meters, centimeter waves, millimeter waves and submillimeter waves according to wavelength. Microwave has been studied since its discovery. In the 1940s, microwave technology was officially produced as an application technology. With the successful development of high-power magnetrons, many developed countries have studied microwave heating. As a physical technology, microwave technology has gradually been applied to the food and pharmaceutical processing industries.