Abstract: The effects of drying process on the sensory quality of the green tea of Weibei were discussed in different drying methods. The results showed that the fresh leaves of the northern green tea were the highest in sensory quality after traditional manual frying and drying, followed by the samples processed by blast drying and microwave drying equipment. The samples obtained by vacuum freeze-drying had the lowest sensory quality.

In addition, comparing the different conditions of the same drying method, the sensory quality of the sample treated by microwave drying method under different power conditions is almost the same, and the samples prepared by the blast drying method have higher sensory quality at 100 ° C than 80 ° C.
Key words: Weibei seed green tea microwave drying;drying method;sensory quality
“Qibei Tea” is an excellent tea tree variety in Japan, accounting for more than ¾ of the domestic tea planting area. It is characterized by good growth, high yield, excellent quality and strong disease resistance. Currently, it is located in Henan, Zhejiang and other places in China. There are plants.