Absrtact: Using broccoli as raw material, the sulfur content of radish in three different parts of broccoli flower, stem and leaf was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The differences of sulfur content in samples obtained by microwave drying equipment (microwave power 900 W, time 10 min) and electric blast drying (drying temperature 90 C, time 2 h) were compared and analyzed. The effect of microwave drying on sulfur content in broccoli was studied.

The results showed that the order of sulfur content in different parts of broccoli dried by microwave was stem, flower and leaf, which were (152.50 + 0.27), (82.75 + 1.28) and (23.72 + 0.18) mg/kg, respectively. The sulfur content in broccoli stems was about 2 times and 7 times higher than that in flowers and leaves, respectively. The sulfur content in different parts of broccoli dried by electric blast was also about 2 times and 7 times higher than that in stems. The highest was (156.32 (+1.37) mg/kg), and the highest was (85.04 (+1.13) mg/kg and (53.26 (+2.78) mg/kg in flowers and leaves, respectively.