ABSTRACT: In order to study the microwave drying characteristics of carrots, the drying experiments with different microwave power (406, 567, 700 W), slice thickness (2, 4, 6 mm) and material loading (30, 40, 90 g) were carried out. The drying characteristic curve of water loss rate, dry base moisture content and the effect of effective moisture diffusivity Deff were discussed, and the thin-layer drying kinetics model of carrots was constructed.

The results showed that the microwave drying equipment of carrot was divided into pre-heating drying stage, constant-speed drying stage and slow-speed drying stage, and the time of constant-speed drying process was shorter. When microwave power was 700 W, slice thickness was 6 mm and loading was 30 g, the drying effect was the best. Through regression fitting analysis, Page kinetic model was the most suitable model to describe the microwave drying process of carrot, and the model determination coefficient R2 was the best. The maximum error of validation test is 6.91.