Abstract: The carrots were dried and dried by hot air drying, medium and short wave infrared drying, microwave drying equipment and vacuum drying. The quality of the four carrot powders was compared and analyzed.
The results showed that the a* value and rehydration capacity of carrot powder were characterized by medium-short wave infrared drying>vacuum drying>vacuum microwave drying>hot air drying; there was no significant difference in oil absorption capacity of carrot powder prepared by four drying methods; medium and short wave Infrared dry carrot powder has the highest content of total sugar and β-carotene, and vacuum dried carrot powder has the highest VC content; comprehensively, medium and short wave infrared dried carrot powder has good quality and is suitable for industrial production of carrot powder processing.

Key words: hot air drying; medium and short wave infrared drying; carrot microwave drying; vacuum drying; carrot powder; quality
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a herbaceous plant of the genus Apocynum, a dicotyledonous plant.