Materials and instruments
Microwave drying test device: electrothermal blower box, JH423 - 4 electronic balance,
Method of determination
The initial moisture content is determined by national standards. Before the drying test, the potatoes were cleaned and sliced into thick filter paper to absorb the surface moisture according to the need of the test, and then evenly spread into a layer on the container as required. During the drying process, the material weight was measured regularly until the moisture content of the wet base was safely stored around the water content.

Results and analysis
Effect of slice thickness on drying characteristics of drying characteristics
The drying process can be divided into three stages: accelerated drying stage, constant drying stage and decelerated drying stage. Therefore, under the same drying conditions and a certain time, with the increase of slice thickness, the water content of potatoes increased slightly. It may be due to the increase of the thickness of the slices, the internal water migration to the outer layer needs a process, and the microwave attenuation in the process of penetration.